Yoga silhouette
In yoga, you seek harmony between your body and mind, work on the eternal competition between reality and ideal, seek the slow perfecting of your physical reality and the approach to a set goal – and every step in this direction means fulfilment and happiness. If you succeed in forming mind and body into a perfect unity, yoga brings you closer to perfection in meditation.
That you might need clothes for such a self-centred activity as yoga – no one would ever think of that. The fact, that most yoga meetings in the world take place dressed nevertheless, is due to the bad habits of people: About 25 centuries ago, people slowly got used to wearing clothes for common activities, and now they often don't even take them off when bathing or at home. Yoga, especially yoga in the nude, shows a way back to your own nature.
Yoga in the nude
Perfect Bend Down
Perfect Bend Down.
Yoga teacher, 32
He's still practising.
He's still practising.
Yoga student, 72
When – as in yoga – it is about physical exercises, that require suppleness, flexibility, and deep concentration, clothing can only be disturbing.
German weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT (registration required to read) reported in an article “Nackt Yoga-Unterricht wie es wirklich ist” ( about nude yoga: “There are no clothes, that pinch your bottom or stick to your body soaked with sweat. This allows you to concentrate more on the figures, achieve a deeper relaxation, and perceive yourself more intensely.”.
In Germany, there are regular nude yoga sessions and other sports in the nude “Nacktivitäten (regelmäßig)” (
In other cities or in smaller towns, you usually have to look a little more, to find nude yoga classes, and then travel to the location of your choice.
Yoga in the nude

